Name: | MT940 |
Package: | org.nuclet.mt940 |
Namensraum: | 940 |
Version: | 1.0.01 |
Datum: | 1125.03.2013 |
Codeblock | ||||
| ||||
public MT940Importer(final JobContext context,
final String strMT940Directory,
final String strMT940ReferenceType)
super(context, strMT940Directory, strMT940ReferenceType);
// @replace!
// Replace with your own logic and/or your own parser here, if you
// need more specific behaviour.
this.logic = new MT940Logic(context, strMT940ReferenceType);
this.parser = new MT940Parser(context);
Download der ZIP-Datei „“ auf der Nuclos-Webpage unter „Nuclos Services“ > „Download“ > „Nuclet Download“. Das ZIP anschließend lokal entpacken.
Import des MT940-Nuclets unter „Konfiguration“ > „Nuclet Management“ > „Importieren“ in Ihre bestehende Nuclos-Instanz, Auswahl der Datei „MT940-v1.0.01.nuclet“
Schritt 3: Objektimporte anlegen
Codeblock | ||||
| ||||
@Rule(name="MT940 Import Job", description="MT940 Import Job")
public class MT940ImportJob implements JobRule
// @replace!
// Configure the constants MT940_DIRECTORY, MT940_REFERENCE_TYPE with your own values:
private static final String MT940_DIRECTORY = "/opt/nuclets/data/mt940";
private static final String MT940_REFERENCE_TYPE = "SINGLE"; // supported values are: { SINGLE, MULTIPLE }