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Diese Logik ist an drei Stellen für den Anwendungsfall "Lastschriften" und an drei Stellen für den Anwendungsfall "Überweisungen" von Ihnen anwendungsspezifisch zu ergänzen:



  • Die Methode createCreditorIdentification(SEPAExport) generiert die SEPA-Kreditoren-ID. Diese ID dient der Identifizierung Ihrer Firma im SEPA-Zahlungverkehr.
  • Mit der Methode createRemittanceInformation(AbstractDebitorWrapper,...) lässt sich der Verwendungszweck für SEPA-Lastschriften individuell gestalten.
  • Die Methode fetchDirectDebitReferences() sollte alle Zahlungsreferenzen ermitteln, die in einem SEPA-Export zu berücksichtigen sind.


  • Die Methode createDebitorIdentification(SEPAExport) generiert die SEPA-Debitoren-ID. Diese ID dient der Identifizierung Ihrer Firma im SEPA-Zahlungverkehr.
  • Mit der Methode createRemittanceInformation(AbstractCreditorWrapper,...) lässt sich der Verwendungszweck für SEPA-Überweisungen individuell gestalten.
  • Die Methode fetchCreditTransferReferences fetchPaymentReferences() sollte alle Zahlungsreferenzen ermitteln, die in einem SEPA-Export zu berücksichtigen sind.


Ein Beispiel dazu ist jeweils in einem Kommentarblock angegeben, dieses Beispiel ist an das tatsächlich genutzte Währungsbusinessobjekt (bzw. dessen BusinessObject-Klasse) anzupassen.


package org.nuclet.sepa.logic;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;

import org.nuclos.api.businessobject.BusinessObject;
import org.nuclos.api.businessobject.Query;
import org.nuclos.api.context.JobContext;
import org.nuclos.api.context.RuleContext;
import org.nuclos.api.exception.BusinessException; 
import org.nuclos.api.provider.BusinessObjectProvider;
import org.nuclos.api.provider.QueryProvider;

import org.nuclet.common.logging.LogLevel;
import org.nuclet.common.logic.AbstractBusinessLogic;

import org.nuclet.sepa.SEPAExport;
import org.nuclet.sepa.SEPAPaymentType;
import org.nuclet.sepa.jaxb.sdd.Document;
import org.nuclet.sepa.logic.*;
import org.nuclet.sepa.logic.PaymentType;
import org.nuclet.sepa.logic.SequenceType;
import org.nuclet.sepa.wrapper.*;

// @replace!
// import org.nuclet.businesstemplate.Client;
// import org.nuclet.businesstemplate.ClientBilling;
// import org.nuclet.businesstemplate.ClientBillingPosition;
// import org.nuclet.businesstemplate.Supplier;
// import org.nuclet.businesstemplate.SupplierBilling;
// import org.nuclet.businesstemplate.SupplierBillingPosition;

 * Concrete class implementing the declarations found in abstract class AbstractSEPALogic
 * @note This class is to be read as a dummy implementation. Its methods should be overwritten
 * and filled/adapted with application specific code.
 * @usage org.nuclet.sepa.job.SEPAExportJob
 * @version 2.0
 * @date 03.02.2015
 * @nuclet org.nuclet.SEPA
 * @nucletversion 2.0.0
 * @sincenucletversion 1.0.0
 * @since 21.03.2014
 * @author
public class SEPALogic extends AbstractSEPALogic
 private static final LogLevel LOGLEVEL = LogLevel.DEBUG; 
 public SEPALogic(final JobContext context) 
 super(context, LOGLEVEL); 
 public SEPALogic(final JobContext context, final LogLevel logLevel) 
 super(context, logLevel); 
 public SEPALogic(final RuleContext context, final LogLevel logLevel) 
 super(context, logLevel); 
 public SEPALogic(final RuleContext context) 
 super(context, LOGLEVEL); 
 * Builds a creditor identification, based on a given SEPA export (direct debit initiation)
 * @note To be implemented in a dedicated subclass!
 * @see org.nuclet.sepa.logic.CreditorIdentification
 * @param boSEPAExport A given oject of type <code>SEPAExport</code>
 * @return a creditor identification, based on a given SEPA export
 * @throws BusinessException 
 * @throws BusinessException SPA.483.001 
 protected CreditorIdentification createCreditorIdentification(final SEPAExport boSEPAExport) throws BusinessException
 // @replace!
 // Im folgenden Beispiel wird der Kreditorenstammdatensatz in der Tabelle
 // der Kunden ("Client") gespeichert und als "intern" ("is internal") gekennzeichnet.
 // Die Kreditorenkennung wird also aus genau jenem Stammdatensatz erzeugt.
 // final Query qryCreditor = QueryProvider.create(Client.class)
 // .where(Client.IsInternal.eq(Boolean.TRUE));
 // final List<Client> lstClients = QueryProvider.execute(qryCreditor);
 // logDebug("Creditor list size: " + lstClients.size());
 // if (lstClients != null && lstClients.size() == 1) {
 // final Client boCreditor = lstClients.iterator().next();
 // final CreditorIdentification creditorId = new CreditorIdentification(
 // boCreditor.getName(),
 // boCreditor.getBic(),
 // boCreditor.getIban(),
 // boCreditor.getSEPACreditorId());
 // return creditorId;
 // } else if (lstClients != null && lstClients.size() > 1) {
 // throw new BusinessException("More than one clients marked as \"internal\" exist!");
 // } else {
 // throw new BusinessException("Client marked as \"internal\" is missing!");
 // } 
 return null;
 * Builds a creditor identification, based on a given SEPA export (credit transfer initiation)
 * @note To be implemented in a dedicated subclass!
 * @see org.nuclet.sepa.logic.CreditorIdentification
 * @param boSEPAExport A given oject of type <code>SEPAExport</code>
 * @return a debitor identification, based on a given SEPA export
 * @throws BusinessException 
 * @throws BusinessException SPA.483.001 
 protected DebitorIdentification createDebitorIdentification(final SEPAExport boSEPAExport) throws BusinessException
 // @replace!
 // Im folgenden Beispiel wird der Debitorenstammdatensatz in der Tabelle
 // der Kunden ("Client") gespeichert und als "intern" ("is internal") gekennzeichnet.
 // Die Debitorenkennung wird also aus genau jenem Stammdatensatz erzeugt.
 // final Query qryDebitor = QueryProvider.create(Client.class)
 // .where(Client.IsInternal.eq(Boolean.TRUE));
 // final List<Client> lstClients = QueryProvider.execute(qryDebitor);
 // logDebug("Debitor list size: " + lstClients.size());
 // if (lstClients != null && lstClients.size() == 1) {
 // final Client boDebitor = lstClients.iterator().next();
 // final DebitorIdentification debitorId = new DebitorIdentification(
 // boDebitor.getName(),
 // boDebitor.getBic(),
 // boDebitor.getIban(),
 // boDebitor.getSEPACreditorId());
 // return debitorId;
 // } else if (lstClients != null && lstClients.size() > 1) {
 // throw new BusinessException("More than one clients marked as \"internal\" exist!");
 // } else {
 // throw new BusinessException("Client marked as \"internal\" is missing!");
 // } 
 return null;
 * Builds the remittance information, related to the given creditor and reference
 * @param creditor An object of type <code>AbstractCreditorWrapper</code>, representing the debitor
 * @param reference An object of type <code>AbstractCreditorReferenceWrapper</code>, representing the reference
 * @param bgdAmount The payment amount, related to the given debitor and reference
 * @return the remittance information, related to the given debitor and reference
 * @throws BusinessException
 public String createRemittanceInformation(final AbstractCreditorWrapper debitor, 
 final AbstractCreditorReferenceWrapper reference,
 final BigDecimal bgdAmount) throws BusinessException
 // @replace!
 // final SupplierBilling boSupplierBilling = (SupplierBilling)reference.getBusinessObject();
 // final StringBuffer sbRemittanceInfo = new StringBuffer();
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append("ACCT. ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(creditor.getSEPAMandateIdentification());
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(" DATE ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(reference.getReferenceDate());
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(" AMNT. ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(bgdAmount);
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(" BGNR ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(reference.getCreditTransferReference());
 // return sbRemittanceInfo.toString();
 return null;
 * Builds the remittance information, related to the given debitor and reference
 * @param debitor An object of type <code>AbstractDebitorWrapper</code>, representing the debitor
 * @param reference An object of type <code>AbstractReferenceWrapper</code>, representing the reference
 * @param bgdAmount The payment amount, related to the given debitor and reference
 * @return the remittance information, related to the given debitor and reference
 * @throws BusinessException
 public String createRemittanceInformation(final AbstractDebitorWrapper debitor, 
 final AbstractDebitorReferenceWrapper reference,
 final BigDecimal bgdAmount) throws BusinessException
 // @replace!
 // final ClientBilling boClientBilling = (ClientBilling)reference.getBusinessObject();
 // final StringBuffer sbRemittanceInfo = new StringBuffer();
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append("ACCT. ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(debitor.getSEPAMandateIdentification());
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(" DATE ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(reference.getReferenceDate());
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(" AMNT. ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(bgdAmount);
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(" BGNR ");
 // sbRemittanceInfo.append(reference.getDirectDebitReference());
 // return sbRemittanceInfo.toString();
 return null;
 * Fetches all credit transfer references that are to be included in a given SEPA export (credit transfer initiation)
 * @param boSEPAExport A given SEPA export
 * @throws BusinessException
 protected List<AbstractCreditTransferReferenceWrapper> fetchCreditTransferReferences(final SEPAExport boSEPAExport) 
 // @replace!
 // final List<AbstractCreditTransferReferenceWrapper> lstCreditTransferReferences = new ArrayList<AbstractCreditTransferReferenceWrapper>();
 // final Query qrySupplierBillingPositions = QueryProvider.create(SupplierBillingPosition.class)
 // .where(SupplierBillingPosition.DueDate.Gte(boSEPAExport.getDateFrom()))
 // .and(SupplierBillingPosition.Faelligkeitsdatum.Lte(boSEPAExport.getDateUntil()))
 // .and(SupplierBillingPosition.SEPAExportDate.isNull())
 // .and(SupplierBillingPosition.IsOpen.eq(Boolean.TRUE))
 // .orderBy(SupplierBillingPosition.SupplierBilling, Boolean.TRUE)
 // .orderBy(SupplierBillingPosition.DueDate, Boolean.TRUE);
 // final List<SupplierBillingPosition> lstSupplierBillingPositions = QueryProvider.execute(qrySupplierBillingPositions);
 // for (final SupplierBillingPosition boSupplierBillingPosition : lstSupplierBillingPositions) {
 // lstCreditTransferReferences.add(creditTransferReferenceFacade.getWrapper(boSupplierBillingPosition));
 // }
 // return lstCreditTransferReferences;
 return null;
 * Fetches all direct debit references that are to be included in a given SEPA export (direct debit initiation)
 * @param boSEPAExport A given SEPA export
 * @throws BusinessException
 protected List<AbstractDirectDebitReferenceWrapper> fetchDirectDebitReferences(final SEPAExport boSEPAExport) 
 // @replace!
 // final List<AbstractDirectDebitReferenceWrapper> lstDirectDebitReferences = new ArrayList<AbstractDirectDebitReferenceWrapper>();
 // final Query qryClientBillingPositions = QueryProvider.create(ClientBillingPosition.class)
 // .where(ClientBillingPosition.DueDate.Gte(boSEPAExport.getDateFrom()))
 // .and(ClientBillingPosition.Faelligkeitsdatum.Lte(boSEPAExport.getDateUntil()))
 // .and(ClientBillingPosition.SEPAExportDate.isNull())
 // .and(ClientBillingPosition.IsOpen.eq(Boolean.TRUE))
 // .orderBy(ClientBillingPosition.ClientBilling, Boolean.TRUE)
 // .orderBy(ClientBillingPosition.DueDate, Boolean.TRUE);
 // final List<ClientBillingPosition> lstClientBillingPositions = QueryProvider.execute(qryClientBillingPositions);
 // for (final ClientBillingPosition boClientBillingPosition : lstClientBillingPositions) {
 // lstDirectDebitReferences.add(directDebitReferenceFacade.getWrapper(boClientBillingPosition));
 // }
 // return lstDirectDebitReferences;
 return null;
